10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines (With Pictures) – Dogster (2024)

While many people think that Pitbulls are a dog breed, the term encompasses many breeds, including the American Pitbull Terrier, the Staffordshire Terrier, and the American Bully.

Fanciers of the Pitbull breed have long faced pushback when it comes to breeding the dogs. Overbreeding and spotty history with dogfighting led to the word “Pitbull” becoming a loaded term. Despite these setbacks, breeders have cultivated many identifiable bloodlines of the Pitbull. Here are 10 bloodlines you might see when looking at Pitbulls.

10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines (With Pictures) – Dogster (1)

The 10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines

1. Colby Pitbull

10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines (With Pictures) – Dogster (2)

Colby Pitbulls are one of America’s oldest and most popular Pitbull bloodlines. They were the result of arduous work by American breeder John Colby in 1889. The Colby bloodline features a distinct lineage of Irish and English dogs to produce a standard look for the bloodline.

Now sporting over 100 years of history, Colby Pitbulls feature highly muscular builds, broad heads, and short tails. Colby Pitbulls also have a characteristically shiny coat. They shed like it’s nobody’s business, though, so regular grooming will be necessary to keep your Colby Pitbull looking great.

They’re popular for their even temperament and make great family dogs.

2. Old Family Red Nose Pitbull

The Old Family Red Nose bloodline originates from the Irish “Old Family” Pitbull bloodline, dating back over 150 years in Ireland. The name comes from the long history of inbreeding within the bloodline.

The Old Family Red Nose has a red coat and nose and is highly popular among fanciers for its amiable nature. They are stockier and bulkier than other Pitbull bloodlines and have a powerful jaw.

In addition to their red nose, they’ll have a copper or reddish-brown hue to their nails as well.

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3. Razor’s Edge Pit Bull

10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines (With Pictures) – Dogster (3)

The Razor’s Edge bloodline is best known for being one of the best companion breeds of Pitbull. Despite its rather intense name, the Razor’s Edge bloodline features a mild and calm temperament.

Razor’s Edge Pitbulls belong to the American Bully breed and feature a blocky muzzle with a broad chest and large bones despite their otherwise slim body. They have a coarse coat, but the look should still be sleek and shiny.

4. Gator Mouth Pitbulls

The Gator Mouth Pitbulls or Gator Pitbulls are thought to be extinct by breed fanciers. The bloodline is the direct descendant of Champions Gator and Alligator and was initially bred for fighting.

Since dogfighting has become illegal, the bloodline is thought to be extinct. Anyone looking for a Gator Pitbull should look for a reputable kennel with ethical breeding and selling practices.

Be very wary of backyard breeders who claim to be selling dogs of the bloodline. You should be sure that the kennel can furnish them with a Certificate of Bloodline.

5. Ruffian Pitbull Bloodline

The Ruffian bloodline is bred from Champion, The Ruffian. The founders of the Ruffian bloodline are Clayton Harriman and William Whitaker, who worked tirelessly to produce the champions of this bloodline.

The Ruffian bloodline features short, pointed ears with a short tail. They have a sleek coat and a muscular build that makes them excellent show dogs. Their bloodline was bred alongside the X-Pert bloodline (see below).

6. X-Pert

The X-Pert bloodline of Pitbulls is a bloodline of American Staffordshire Terriers. The bloodline was started in 1930 by Clifford and Alberta Ormsby when Pitbulls could be found for a mere $5.

At the time, the streets were crawling with poorly bred Pitbulls with no standards of breeding or care. The Ormsbys purchased Ormbsy’s Madge, the first dog in the X-Pert bloodline, from a Texas breeder and sired her with Bennett’s Mack, who carried lineage in the Smiths and Tudors bloodlines.

The X-Pert bloodline is agile and lithe and features a springy gait and a powerful jump.

7. Jeep

The Jeep bloodline started with Jim Crenshaw’s Pitbull “Crenshaw’s Jeep.” Born in 1976, Crenshaw’s Jeep was unofficially crowned the king of fighters and sired many future champion dogs.

The Jeep bloodline is marked by deep-set eyes that are smaller than the average Pitbull’s. They’re muscular, harkening back to Jeep’s fighting days, and have a wide ribcage. The deep ribcage is a hallmark feature of the bloodline and goes well with its wide and powerful forearms.

Another notable feature of the Jeep bloodline is its long tail, a feature that isn’t as commonly seen in bullies. Unlike some other Pitbull bloodlines, the Jeep bloodline doesn’t have a shiny coat. But their coats do have a glossy sheen.

8. Gottiline

Gottiline Pitbulls are named for their sire, Juan Gotty, who sired his first litter at around 7 months old. Juan Gotty is considered the most celebrated American Bully of all time, and his children were so popular that Gotty sired over 1,000 pups before passing.

Gottiline Pitbulls are easy to spot because they’re incredibly bulky. They’re very muscular and powerful and lead with their broad, square heads. The Gottiline Pitbull has a defined neck that blends seamlessly into his chest.

9. Carver

The Carver bloodline is a highly popular bloodline within the Bully breeds, and many other bloodlines have lineage in the Carver line. It’s hard to find a pure Carver bloodline dog because their bloodline has been used to create so many different bloodlines.

The Carver bloodline is versatile when it comes to bully breeds. Some Carver dogs are known for their gentle dispositions, while others are known for their fighting history. Because of their versatility, almost every pitbull bloodline can be traced back to the Carver bloodline.

10. Budweiser Crusher

Mickel’s Budweiser Crusher sired the Budweiser Crusher bloodline. The bloodline is very popular in North Carolina, from where Budweiser Crusher hailed.

Budweiser Crusher was a champion show dog despite the somewhat silly name, but he had it all. He was known for being a great family and hunting dog when he wasn’t busy winning dog shows.

Dogs in his bloodline are known for their gentle and friendly temperaments and make great family dogs.

10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines (With Pictures) – Dogster (4)Conclusion

These are only a handful of the many Pitbull bloodlines out there. There are hundreds of Pitbull bloodlines, though few of them are as distinct as some of the ones we’ve featured. No matter what kind of dog you’re looking for, there’s a Pitbull bloodline out there that was bred just for that!

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Featured Image Credit: Chris Anabalon, Shutterstock


  • The 10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines
    • 1. Colby Pitbull
    • 2. Old Family Red Nose Pitbull
    • 3. Razor’s Edge Pit Bull
    • 4. Gator Mouth Pitbulls
    • 5. Ruffian Pitbull Bloodline
    • 6. X-Pert
    • 7. Jeep
    • 8. Gottiline
    • 9. Carver
    • 10. Budweiser Crusher
  • Conclusion

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10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines (With Pictures) – Dogster (2024)


10 Types of Pitbull Bloodlines (With Pictures) – Dogster? ›

Until the mid-19th century the since-extinct Old English Terriers and Old English Bulldogs were bred together to produce a dog that combined the gameness of the terrier with the strength and athleticism of the bulldog. This type of dog, which was bred in England, became known as the bull and terrier.

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Until the mid-19th century the since-extinct Old English Terriers and Old English Bulldogs were bred together to produce a dog that combined the gameness of the terrier with the strength and athleticism of the bulldog. This type of dog, which was bred in England, became known as the bull and terrier.

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AKC & UKC Pitbull-type Breeds
  • American Pit Bull Terrier. Weight: 30-60 lbs. Height: 17-21 inches. UKC Breed Info.
  • American Staffordshire Terrier. Weight: 40-70 lbs. Height: 17-19 inches. AKC Breed Info.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Weight: 24-38 lbs. Height: 14-16 inches. AKC Breed Info.
  • American. Bully. Weight: 30-130 lbs.

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Most pit bull–type dogs descend from the British bull and terrier, a 19th-century dog-fighting type developed from crosses between the Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier. A selection of dog breeds sometimes classified as pit bull types.

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The Jeep bloodline started with Jim Crenshaw's Pitbull “Crenshaw's Jeep.” Born in 1976, Crenshaw's Jeep was unofficially crowned the king of fighters and sired many future champion dogs. The Jeep bloodline is marked by deep-set eyes that are smaller than the average Pitbull's.

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Blue Fawn Pit Bulls are a rare and beautiful variation. They have a fawn coat that appears diluted, giving it a unique silvery-blue sheen. This coloration is due to the same dilution gene that produces blue Pit Bulls, making it quite rare and sought after.

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If you define a “pitbull” as descending from one of the 4 most widely-known pitbull-type breeds—American pitbull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, or American bully—then DNA testing, breeding papers, or both can be helpful in defining a dog as such.

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American Bully

Bullies from responsible breeders have been specifically developed for their gentle and affectionate temperament. But bullies are still strong and athletic, so they need plenty of exercise to keep them happy and healthy, as well as regular socialization time with people and other dogs.

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Three types of purebred dogs are lumped together as pit bulls: the American pit bull terrier, the American Staffordshire terrier and the Staffordshire Bull terrier. Other breed mixes that are grouped into the pit bull category are the American Bulldog, the Dogo Argentino, the Presa Canario and the Cane Corso.

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Boxer • Cane Corso • English Bulldog • BLACK MOUTH CUR • Bull Mastiff • More ...

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  1. Very short, hard, glossy coat of any color or markings.
  2. Ears that are either cropped or medium-sized and folded.
  3. Broad, blocky back skull and jaws Wide mouth that gives the appearance of grinning when opened.

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Pocket Pitbulls, also affectionately known as Pitterbulls, Mini Pits, and Pocket Bullies, are a hybrid dog breed. They are a cross between the American Pitbull Terrier and the Patterdale Terrier. While both parent breeds are considered purebreds, Pocket Pitbulls are not.

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American Pit Bull Terrier

Although modern American pit bull terriers can have a high prey drive and don't always get along with other dogs, they're known for forming strong bonds with their families. And as with most pit bull types, they tend to be loyal and affectionate.

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1. The Razor's Edge Bloodline. Created by Dave Wilson, The Razor's Edge Bloodline is one of the most well-known Bully breeds. This bloodline focuses more on the Bully line instead of the Terrier, resulting in very strong, thick, and muscular dogs.

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The American Bully was developed by crossing various Bulldog and Terrier breeds, including the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier, among others. This breed comes in various sizes and types, including Standard, Classic, Pocket, and American XL Bully.

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Three types of purebred dogs are lumped together as pit bulls: the American pit bull terrier, the American Staffordshire terrier and the Staffordshire Bull terrier. Other breed mixes that are grouped into the pit bull category are the American Bulldog, the Dogo Argentino, the Presa Canario and the Cane Corso.


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