Biotin Deficiency: Side Effects, Causes, and More (2024)

Biotin and biotin deficiency

Biotin is one of the B complex vitamins. This group of vitamins is responsible for breaking down fat and carbohydrates from the foods you eat and turning them into energy. This energy provides fuel for many of your body’s necessary functions. Biotin is also sometimes called B-7, vitamin H, or coenzyme R.

Biotin promotes good skin health, and it helps regulate your LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood sugar. Biotin is also necessary to produce keratin, a protein that promotes strong nails and hair.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. That means it’s not stored in your body for long. Your body doesn’t naturally produce it, either. However, the bacteria in your gut can produce biotin. These bacteria, also called intestinal flora, have a healthy impact on your health.

A biotin deficiency isn’t as common as other deficiencies. Few people eating a healthy, well-balanced diet will struggle to have enough biotin. That’s because many common foods contain large amounts of the vitamin naturally.

Still, a biotin deficiency can occur. If it does, these symptoms may develop:

  • red rashes on the skin, especially the face
  • dry or scaly skin
  • dry eyes
  • brittle hair
  • hair loss
  • fatigue
  • insomnia or difficulty sleeping
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • depression
  • burning or prickling sensation in the hands and feet
  • muscle pain
  • changes in the intestinal tract (frequent upset stomach)
  • cracking in the corners of the mouth
  • seizures
  • difficulty walking

The symptoms of biotin deficiency can be confused for many other disorders or issues. Your doctor may first treat your symptoms as if they were from another cause. If your symptoms don’t disappear, your doctor may consider other possible issues.

If your doctor suspects you’re not getting enough B-7, a blood test can measure the level in your blood. Your doctor may order additional blood and lab tests to check other levels. They can use these numbers to either confirm or rule out a biotin deficiency.

Sometimes low levels of vitamin B-7 are the result another disorder or condition. If your doctor thinks an underlying issue might be causing your symptoms, they may suggest other tests to figure out the reason for the low vitamin B-7 levels.

A biotin deficiency is quite rare. Doctors typically look to one of six possible causes to explain why your B-7 levels might be so low. These causes are:

1. Medications

Certain medicines may prevent your body from absorbing vitamins correctly. These medications include antibiotics and anti-seizure drugs. Additionally, antibiotics destroy the good bacteria in your gut that can naturally produce biotin.

2. Intravenous (IV) feeding

If you receive your nutrition from an IV or tube, you can develop a B-7 deficiency. Supplements may be necessary until you’re able to eat solid food again.

3. Intestinal problems

Some chronic intestinal conditions may prevent your body from absorbing nutrients from food. These conditions include Crohn’s disease and colitis.

4. Long-term dieting

Strict eating may prevent you from getting a wide variety of vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. Eating a well-balanced diet is vital for your health, and you can still maintain or lose weight if that’s your goal.

5. Biotinidase deficiency

This hereditary disorder is very rare. It prevents your body from reusing biotin. Typically, the human body can reuse B-7 a few times before it’s removed in waste. People with this disorder cannot recycle the vitamin. This disorder is often diagnosed very early in life because of severe symptoms. These symptoms often appear within months of birth.

6. Other genetic causes

There are some other genetic disorders that may also result in biotin deficiency, including holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency, biotin transport deficiency, and phenylketonuria. Holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency and biotin transport deficiency are both extremely rare. Phenylketonuria is more common. Infants are screened at birth for this condition, since it’s associated with severe neurologic problems if not recognized and treated early.

Treatment for a biotin deficiency typically fits into two main categories. These are food and supplements.

Foods that contain biotin

Daily requirements for biotin aren’t difficult to reach. An adult should aim to eat 30 micrograms (mcg) per day, a child should get 5 mcg per day, and an expecting mother should aim for 35 mcg per day.

Getting this vitamin from food is quite easy. Many common foods contain large amounts of biotin. These include:

  • green peas, legumes, and lentils
  • sunflower seeds and sunflower butter
  • carrots, cauliflower, and mushrooms
  • cooked eggs, especially egg yolk
  • organ meats, including liver and kidney
  • dairy products, including milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • seafood
  • whole grains, include barley and corn

Food processing destroys biotin. Eat as many of these foods in their whole, unprocessed forms to get the highest vitamin quantity possible.


Biotin is available in both multivitamins and individual supplements. Biotin supplements typically come in three amounts: 10, 50, and 100 mcg.

Consult with your doctor before you begin a biotin supplement. Rarely, B-7 can interact with other medications. This can cause unintended side effects. It’s also possible to have too much biotin. Ask your doctor for a recommended daily dosage.

Anyone can develop a biotin deficiency. Several conditions and disorders increase the risk for some people. These include:

People with biotinidase deficiency

This rare hereditary disorder prevents the body from reusing biotin. People with the disorder are more likely to be biotin deficient.

Pregnant women

Biotin is critical for pregnant women. Without it, the baby could develop certain birth defects. Some blood tests for expecting moms will measure biotin levels. While you’re pregnant, your doctor may encourage you to eat more biotin-rich foods. This can help protect the growing baby.

People using certain medications

Antibiotics can destroy the healthy bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria can produce biotin naturally. Without them, you may become deficient. Anti-seizure medicines can also prevent vitamin absorption. If you’ll be using these medicines for a long period of time, you may need a supplement.

People using IV feeding

IV nutrition or tube feeding may lower how much biotin you can absorb. People using these forms of nutrition may need a biotin supplement until they’re able to eat solid food again.

The first signs and symptoms of a biotin deficiency can be mistaken for many disorders and conditions. If you have these symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor.

You can help your doctor reach a diagnosis. Write a journal with your symptoms and keep note of what you eat and when. While you may not have a biotin deficiency, these notes may help direct your doctor to another diagnosis. Likewise, these notes may help your doctor rule out possible causes that behave and cause symptoms like biotin deficiency.

Once you have a diagnosis, you and your doctor can decide on the best treatment. The good news is a B-7 deficiency is treatable. If the condition is likely caused by dietary issues, you can change what you eat. You can also take a supplement for a short period of time to correct the low levels. If these measures aren’t successful, your doctor can explore other possible causes, including intestinal disorders.

Biotin Deficiency: Side Effects, Causes, and More (2024)


Biotin Deficiency: Side Effects, Causes, and More? ›

It's rare to be deficient in biotin. Symptoms include hair loss, dry scaly skin, cracking in the corners of the mouth (called cheilitis), swollen and painful tongue that is magenta in color (glossitis), dry eyes, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, and depression.

What does biotin deficiency cause? ›

The clinical presentation of biotin deficiency involves abnormalities of the hair, skin, nails, and the central nervous system. Seizures, hypotonia, ataxia, optic atrophy, visual deficits, sensorineural deafness, and developmental delay (in children) are some of the neurologic manifestations.

What happens to your body when you don't get enough biotin? ›

Biotin deficiency is very rare in the United States. Biotin deficiency can cause thinning hair and loss of body hair; a rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and anal area; pinkeye; high levels of acid in the blood and urine; seizures; skin infection; brittle nails; and nervous system disorders.

Are there any negative effects of biotin? ›

[8] Biotin's mechanism of action occurs by attaching to specific lysine residues. [9] The side effects of ingesting too much biotin could include an upset stomach, although it remains a vitamin with very low side effects.

Can biotin deficiency cause weight gain? ›

Some ways a biotin imbalance may affect weight include: Lack of energy – Insufficient biotin levels can lead to a slower metabolism, causing a lack of energy and motivation for physical activity and potentially leading to increased fat storage.

What hormone does biotin affect? ›

The hormone measurements that can be affected are thyroxine, triiodothyronine, TSH and thyroglobulin. This effect may falsely change the results and lead to an incorrect diagnosis. Precise measurement of thyroid hormones and TSH is important for diagnosis of thyroid disorders.

Why shouldn't you take biotin everyday? ›

Your body makes enough biotin on its own through your dietary intake each day. Therefore, you shouldn't take biotin supplements unless directed by your doctor. There are some rare health conditions that can cause some people to need biotin supplements on a regular basis.

What medications cannot be taken with biotin? ›

Monitor Closely (8)
  • azithromycin. azithromycin will decrease the level or effect of biotin by altering intestinal flora. ...
  • ciprofloxacin. ...
  • clarithromycin. ...
  • erythromycin base. ...
  • erythromycin ethylsuccinate. ...
  • erythromycin lactobionate. ...
  • erythromycin stearate. ...
  • roxithromycin.

How long does it take to correct biotin deficiency? ›

Biotin deficiency can be corrected easily by biotin supplementation. Symptoms usually disappear within a few weeks.

Does coffee affect biotin? ›

Consuming beverages with caffeine inhibits the absorption of water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, biotin and the seven B vitamins.” What's more, celebrity nutritionist Cynthia Pasquella adds, fat-soluble vitamins (that's vitamins A, D, E, and K) aren't able to be absorbed without—you guessed it—fats.

Is biotin hard on your liver? ›

High dosages of biotin have been shown to affect liver morphology in normal mice, but without causing damage to the liver or elevating liver damage markers. However, there is no evidence in the provided abstracts to suggest that high dosages of biotin cause elevated liver enzymes.

Does biotin affect sleep? ›

Given that biotin is used by the body to turn fats and carbohydrates into energy, a high intake could lead to an energy boost. This could potentially make sleeping more difficult or even contribute to insomnia. To avoid any potential of this happening, it might be best to take biotin after getting up in the morning.

Which food has the highest biotin? ›

Foods that contain the most biotin include organ meats, eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and certain vegetables (such as sweet potatoes) [2,12].

What are the neurological symptoms of biotin deficiency? ›

The most common neurologic features in individuals with untreated profound biotinidase deficiency are seizures and hypotonia [Wolf 2011]. Older affected individuals often have ataxia and developmental delay. Seizures are usually myoclonic but may be generalized and/or focal. Infantile spasms have also been observed.

Does biotin help with belly fat? ›

Can you take biotin every day? Does biotin help you lose weight? Although biotin is involved in the metabolism of fats, protein, and carbohydrates, there's no evidence that taking a biotin supplement is effective to induce weight loss.

What are the signs of biotin deficiency in females? ›

It's rare to be deficient in biotin. Symptoms include hair loss, dry scaly skin, cracking in the corners of the mouth (called cheilitis), swollen and painful tongue that is magenta in color (glossitis), dry eyes, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, and depression.

What happens when you stop taking biotin? ›

A lack of biotin is rare. However, if it occurs it may lead to skin rash, loss of hair, high blood levels of cholesterol, and heart problems.

Can biotin deficiency cause anxiety? ›

Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, has been linked to lower levels of anxiety, stress and depression in adults (3). B7 is involved in the regulation of cortisol, which is also known as the stress hormone (5).

Does biotin help B12 deficiency? ›

Conclusion: Vitamin B12 and Biotin

Vitamin B12 depends on an adequate supply of biotin; part of B12's effect can only take place if the supply of biotin is ensured. In conclusion, during high-dose initial therapy following deficiency and if the biotin supply is in doubt, it is advisable to take additional biotin.

What does biotin deficiency do to hair? ›

Cutaneous manifestations of biotin deficiency are hair loss and seborrheic-like dermatitis. Blood levels of biotin show a wide variability ranging from 400 to 1200 ng/L with daily fluctuations in the magnitude of up to100%, which is why at least two determinations on 2 different days are recommended.


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